Essay: Profession of Accounting

Sample Essay

Emphasis is laid on investors on the quality of work rather than the quantity of work. The elements of content management and information flow must be based on proper and appropriate rules. The profession is involved in the debate over developing an understanding that rule-based and principle-based accounting standards should converge and should not be considered as exclusive to each other.


Essay: Dangers of Ecstasy

Sample Essay

Frоm а сhеmiсаl аspесt, есstаsy is аlsо а dаngеrоus drug thаt соntаins hаrmful substаnсеs thаt соuld саusе оvеrdоsеs in sоmе situаtiоns. Ассоrding tо Dr. Grоb, “ ‘Thеrе аrе mаny dаngеrs with thе rесrеаtiоnаl mоdеl, nоt thе lеаst оf whiсh is thаt thеrе is mоrе аnd mоrе drug substitutiоn with Есstаsy, sо thаt yоung pеоplе оftеn dо nоt knоw whаt thеy аrе tаking.


Essay Writing: Five Paragraphs Essays

Essay writing is a cumbersome task for many students. It is one of the most dreaded academic activities in the academic world. But there is no other way than to write essays if one is to succeed academically. In this article, we will discuss how to write five-paragraph essays. Five paragraph essays are not normally written at higher academic levels such as college or university. Usually, this essay writing format is taught in the high school and junior school to teach students to properly organize and structure an essay. Three things that must always be remembered when writing essays such as (i) The purpose of writing the essay, (ii) what to say in the essay and (iii) reminding the readers of the purpose. Read some easy tips below to learn to write five paragraph essays. (more…)

Key Factors to Consider when Writing Essays

Why do you end up getting low grades sometimes despite putting all the efforts when writing essays? From your perspective, you do your best but you still fail to rise to the expectations of your professors. This article will help you determine the possible mistakes you make when writing essays and improve your grade the next time you write essays. Find out some of the common mistakes you make when writing essays in the article below. (more…)

Improved Critical Thinking Great Essays

Writing essays without the element of critical thinking is like a body without a brain. Critical thinking is the ability of the brain to analyze and reach a rational conclusion of a particular point or matter. The ability to come up with your distinctive personal opinions and ideas when writing essays are critical thinking. It involves evaluating a particular situation from different angles and reaching a conclusion. You can boost your academic grades if you improve your critical thinking skills. All you need to do is to practice using your brain more often by involving yourself in making decisions and analyzing different ideas. In this article, you will learn some useful tips to be able to enhance your critical thinking skills to write high-quality and result-oriented essays. Read some interesting tips below to find out how. (more…)