Moderate v. High Special Needs in Education: Essay

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Words 2,055

Before proceeding with the argument as to why children with moderate needs should be included in general education classrooms, we should note that we are not arguing here that all children should be mainstreamed. Children with greater than moderate needs (such as many with autism or very low IQs) may well be bets served by self-contained special education classes. There are still those who argue that all children can be mainstreamed, but they are becoming fewer and fewer (viz. DeVries & Kohlberg 97). (more…)

The Most Needed Winter Vacations: College Studies

It is time for much-needed break after a hectic college semester. You can wake up late in the morning with your mind full of exciting things to do all day long. You have no term paper or essay submission deadlines to follow; you do not have to go to college to attend classes. All you want is some time to relax with your friends and family members. You can plan your trip to some tropical island where you can enjoy sea surfing or you can go for skiing. (more…)

Thomas Paine: Essay

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Words 925

Thomas Paine (1737-1809), writer and revolutionary, wrote the popular pamphlet, Common Sense, a call for American independence and democracy. Driven by a desire for freedom and justice, Paine’s thinking reflected French and English writers from age of reasoning. Paine published Common Sense in January 1776, six months before the Continental Congress declared independence from Britain. Of 2.5 million individuals living in the 13 colonies, nearly 500,000 obtained text of the pamphlet, suggesting the mood of the times. The essay reportedly persuaded even George Washington that the best answer to the crisis with England was to withdraw support to the crown. Jefferson apparently was motivated by Common Sense when writing the Declaration of Independence. (more…)

Philosophy of Education: Essay

Sample Essay

Words 791

Purpose of Education

The purpose of education is reliant on the form of the family and society, and the historical situation and place an individual is raised within. Our society is mainly a representative democracy founded on the principles in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as amended. The current situation is one of fast economic globalization oriented towards knowledge-based industries intended at increasing human longevity and enhancing human aptitude. Zuk and Dalton’s interpretation is very relevant at present they say that the primary purpose of education is not to organize children for jobs or to make our nation economically competitive in international markets.  Public education is a significant element of a working democracy and offers much more than measuring what we do in terms of dollars and cents or the economic return on our investment. (Zuk & Dalton, 1999). (more…)

Compare and contrast service delivery models in an Educational Setting: Essay

Sample Essay

Words 2,055



The goal of this paper is to compare and contrast the various service delivery models that can be implemented in the school setting. The concept of “service delivery” refers to the idea that schools deliver services to students whenever possible within the arena of the general education classroom. This practice of service delivery can be contrasted with various forms of segregated education in which children with special needs have been pulled out of the general education classroom for some or all of the day to receive specialized teaching. (more…)