Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of treatment that helps patients suffering from mental illnesses overcome their negative thinking patterns. Our thoughts determine our feelings. If we think negatively we are likely to feel bad thus affecting our overall behavior. If thoughts are positive it affects us in a good way and our behavior is also likely to be more positive and full of positive energy. People suffering from mental illnesses like depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar do not have control over their thoughts. They develop automatic thought responses to their assumed stimulus which affects their behavior. The role of cognitive-behavioral therapy is to help patients suffering from mental disorders cope with their negative thinking pattern and change their thoughts to more positive ones in order to feel better. In this article we will discuss how cognitive behavioral therapy works and how it can be a valuable tool to assist different patients cope with their life in a better way. (more…)

How a Custom Thesis Paper Is Written?

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When you are writing something, you need to have a proper thought process behind it. In case of a thesis paper, you need to give proper time to the thought process. For a thesis paper, you would have to choose a subject. There is one thing which you need to remember. A subject cannot be selected only because you think that it is interesting. There are other parameters that need to be considered as well. First of all, pick a subject which is related to your career. Talk to your supervisor and get his opinion about the selected subject. Advisers analyze the aptitude of the student and then recommend the subject. Once you have selected the subject, you need to drill down to the lower levels.  You need to choose a topic and check its availability. A thesis topic needs to be informative for the reader. Hence, you need to avoid outdated topic options. (more…)