Essay: Coverage of Bluetooth

Sample Essay

Bluetooth is an always-on, short-range radio based technology that resides on a microchip. Controlled and moderated by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, this short range wireless communication technology started off as a utility to enable laptop users to make calls via a mobile phone.


Essay: Credit Crisis facing Cadbury

Sample Essay

Then the credit crisis that the world has become plunged in started affecting the business as there was mounting speculation over the trouble Cadbury was facing with regards to the sale of its US soft drinks division which was continuously being delayed because of the credit crisis in the United States and eventually came to be listed as a discontinued operation on the financial statements.


Essay: Credit Crisis in US

Sample Essay

The current credit crisis has taken the United States by storm with people from nearly all walks of life being affected by it. It has to be said however that this sub-prime crisis as it is known was a long time coming with its roots being laid much earlier than 2008. Since Greenspan lowered the interest rates to 1% which saw increased lending, investment banks found themselves with a lot of money and enough to spare as well (Krugman). This therefore led to the increased demand for mortgages leading to the need to allow more people to take out mortgages. This is where the crisis started.


Essay: Cross cultural communication

Sample Essay

The Palestinian Arab community in Adelaide is a tightly knit one, deference to authority and respect for elders is one of the essential traits of their everyday existence. These traits were evident in the subject’s communication patterns too. The subject was observed to not raise his voice in front of his familial elders. Another feature of the Arab community is their sense of honor and pride. The subject was observed using words that reflected his belief in honor and respect and sense of pride in his heritage. The subject’s language also reflected his community’s shared sense of pain over their history.
