Essay: Collection of Intelligence Information

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Another issue which has raised a problem about methods used in the collection of intelligence information is about the criteria used to arrive at the conclusion that a particular state is a security threat. For instance, a USA drone attack in Khartoum and left several civilians dead while according to the intelligence used to carry out the attack, the factory attacked was thought to be a terrorists haven manufacturing of explosives (Silverma 2006 p. 12). This shows that there is a need to scrutinize the methods and the motives behind the results of the analysis. In this example, intelligence information was wrongly used resulting into unnecessary attack that killed so many people and living many others seriously wounded.


Essay: The World Intelligence Services after 9/11

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Finally, the necessity to make sure that there is public oversight of the intelligence community will boost information processing and arriving at the best security decisions. It is a fact that in history several intelligence organizations have been used to settle political scores and meet other evil ends. Mossad of Israel, CIA of United States, and KGB of Russia have all been blamed for committing crimes in several parts of the world (Sheptycki 2004 p.398). This is mainly because their governments come up with policies which are most likely to be formulated without using information from the security agencies but rather politics.


Essay: Rules where the Science of Fingerprints is based on

Sample Essay

1) They are “permanent” in that they are formed in the fetal stage, prior to birth, and remain the same throughout lifetime, barring disfiguration by scarring, until sometime after death when decomposition sets in. That means that the prints do not change during a life time. That’s not all true because fingerprints do change, but the changes can be explained. If not, they can’t be identified. The changes can be made by: flexibility from the skin, growing, a dirty finger, scarring, a wound, or a disease of the skin.


Essay: America’s grievances’ against great Britain

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The paper has discussed exclusively the early stages and causes the Americans to engage in a military way to regain its control over their land and sovereignty. In attempt bring out the argument the paper has looked at the America’s grievances’ against great Britain, American goal to maintain offensive strategies, British goal to maintain a defensive strategy and main attributes why America failed to conquer Canada and never gained what it went to war for, apart from victory by General Andrew Jackson in the battle of New Orleans over British army. It was necessarily important that Americans were never defeated by the Britons.  While on the other hand, the Britons were not defeated by Americans in their quest to conquer Canada. In other words, neither of the side lost or gained apart from slight takeover by the America of Carleton Island to be part of New York.


Essay: The war of 1812-Defensive strategy by British

Sample Essay

As a result, American East Coast was under blockade leaving only a section of New England since they were against the war and declined to offer help to reinforce America in the war. These temporary measures were necessary to guarantee reinforcement to the small British army in the Canada. The measure of blockading the America ports produced negative tangible impact to the US[1], since the exports dropped sharply, coastal trade became dangerous, ships were stack on the ports without business, port towns affected and agriculturalists of West and the South felt the pitch.
