Essay: The House on Mango Street

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Just like in the case of a Woman warrior, the novel The House on Mango Street is about the difficulties emigrants face as they try to settle in the foreign land they have chosen. This is told through the life of Esperanza who finds life in a crowded estate with no privacy very hard to adjust to its life. Just as Kingston encounters racialism from his bosses in Mango Street, there is also a lot or racism against the Latinos. Kingston is finding it hard to adjust to the life in America as a Chinese as it is the case for Esperanza for she is a Chicana. The case of multiculturalism is brought out clearly in the two narratives.

Essay: The Hurt Locker American Soldiers killing innocent Americans

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The American soldiers are professionally trained and I could not expect them to commit crimes against the humanity as portrayed in the movie The Hurt Locker. The movie clearly displays the American solders shooting innocent civilians including those who are making a simple phone call. The shooting of the civilians who were adjacent improvised explosives devices with any knowledge of their evidences this. Further, I could not expect the American combats to be undergoing such a tough job that even caused the rifts among the teams. The division among solders clearly displays that they were fearing for their lives and what they were undergoing was very tough moments in their line of duty.


Essay: The Hurt Locker-Objective of the Movie

Sample Essay

The major objective of the movie is to disclose more precisely to the Americans and the global audience about the lives of the American soldiers in the Iraqi war. The movie tries to show what the other journalist and media in general cannot show in the live news about the real situation. The action-thriller moves clearly shows the problems the US solders go Iraqi and the aftermath of the war. It brings into reality the solder struggles against the insurgents and the differences among the solders too. The brutal deaths, the bloody incidences, the scotching sun should not be assumed by the mass media but the movie brings reality close to the Americans. It reveals the tough duty under tough circumstances from within and without and the reasons behind every action which the American civilian cannot imagine.


Essay: The House on Mango Street-Story

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Brave does not want to give her sister the impression that she might be faced with opposition once she meets her husband. She is of the opinion that all will work in favor of her sister much to the disgrace of the other woman. Moon expects to find different customs in America but Brave assumes that everything is done the Chinese way despite the fact that she lives in America. This assumption proves out to be very wrong as Moon is disowned by her husband something that makes her insane. This shows the difficulties foreigners have to go through once they mix their cultures with those of the foreign lands they are living in.


Essay: The House on Mango Street-Quotes from the Novel

Sample Essay

There are several quotes from the novel, which are important in understanding the narrative. In the opening of the narrative Kingston is told by her mother “You must not tell anyone,” my mother said, “what I am about to tell you. In China, your father had a sister who killed herself. She jumped into the family well. We say that your father has all brothers because it is as if she had never been born.” (Kingston 3) .These are the words of Brave Orchid and much of the narrative is based on the folk tales as told by Brave.
