Essay: Allegorically Played Roles

Oberon is allegorically portrayed as a ‘jealous’ God. Oberon is the Indian king from whom Titania has stolen the boy which is another point in the direction of the Roman-Jewish war which Titania (Titus) fought against Oberon (Yahweh) upon Jewish insistence on monotheism and their insistence upon refusing Caesar as divine.


The Ritz Carlton Hotel Co.

1. )  Compare the background and main features of Humanistic Buddhism and Engaged Buddhism.
(no other details)

2.)The Ritz Carlton Hotel Co.
1.      What is the essence of The Ritz Carlton experience?  What are the strengths of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel?
2.      How does The Ritz-Carlton create “Ladies and Gentlemen” in only seven days?
3.      Is this the time that McBride should consider a total overhaul of the hotel opening process? If yes, what should he change, and how should he go about doing it?
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The Qur’an

Sample Term Paper

The holy book of Muslims the Qur’an is considered as an amazing book not only by those who staunchly follow Islam but by the Non-Muslims as well. Surprisingly, the holy book is termed as amazing even by those who hate Islam. What surprises nonbelievers of Islam about the holy book is that it appears to be something different as is perceived by many Non-Muslims. The perceived notion of many people is that the holy book which came fourteen hundred years ago……… (more…)

Islam in the United States

The population of Muslims is the third largest in America after Christianity and Judaism, representing 0.6% of the population. Muslims living in America come from several different backgrounds, and countries and are one of the most ethnically and culturally distinct religious groups in the United States,  Native-born American Muslims are mainly African Americans who make up about a quarter of the total Muslim population. Many of these have converted to Islam during the last seventy years. Conversion to Islam in large urban areas has also contributed to its growth over the years. An approximate 30% of the slaves brought to colonial America from Africa were Muslims, and their religion Islam was harshly suppressed on plantations. (more…)

Introduction of Christianity on the American Continent

Before the Europeans came to America, the Native Americans believed that there was a spirit for everything which influenced their concept of religion. Most of the Europeans who settled in America held staunch Christian beliefs.  Some of these settlers were Protestants while a great many of them held Catholic beliefs. Freedom of religion was guaranteed by the Constitution as a fundamental human right which encouraged many different sects to establish their version of the faith and their own churches. Many of these new movements flourished and became established and prominent because of the number of adherents which they attracted. Religion gained new prominence during the 20th century when immigrants from Europe flocked into America. (more…)

Influence of Hellenism on Second Temple Judaism

When Alexander the Great Invaded the Persian Empire of King Darius, Judea was a small town of no importance in the kingdom of Darius. Like all other smaller states within the Kingdom of Darius, Judea was allowed to conduct its own cultural and religious affairs. When Alexander and his legions marched through the narrow straits in northwestern, known as the “Hellespont” which connected Turkey to the Aegean Sea to defeat Darius, this was the first historical encounter between the Jews and the Greeks, which changed Western Civilization.  The Jews being inspired and awed by Alexander created a unique Jewish legend regarding him. (more…)