Essay: Looking Back To Life

There are a lot of situations in life when one looks back upon the many incidents and events that shape our lives and thinks about regrets, lessons learned and what they would do differently if they had known better then. Lucky are the people who have no regrets and feel content with the way they handled the situations life threw at them. Most of us, however, feel that we would have reacted differently if we had the knowledge then, that we do now.


Life And Living With Different Cultures

The lives of people usually follow the same pattern that his father or grandfather followed before him. When they meet someone they know or are familiar with, they greet the person albeit in a different manner for close friends and relatives than for just acquaintances. Young children go to school and interact with their classmates and friends and especially with teachers. They learn about a whole new world and come to face with a whole new authoritative figure.  Upon entering and going through school, children learn to be independent, depending upon situations and the attitude of their families especially parents who sometimes tend to be over protective or even abusive which shapes the lives, attitudes, and manners of children in later life. (more…)

IQ Tests Are Not An Accurate Measure Of A Person’s Intelligence

It is practically not possible to measure or assess a person’s intelligence. The IQ of a person depends on several variables, such as the socio-economic status of the parents and their own education and intelligence, environment, state of health and several other variables If the person taking or participating in the IQ test suffers from any ailment, mental or physical then he/she would probably score poorly in the test. This does not mean that the person is less intelligent than the person achieving the highest score.   Or a person may do exceptionally well in the test, but this would not really indicate that the person is super intelligent. (more…)

Interrelationship between language and ethnic identity

Primordial view regards ethnicity is composed of a basic aspect of society that ethnic identity is natural and unalienable. That means, the ethnicity of a group is defined by its ‘cultural and biological heritage and is usually according to territorial boundaries.  It is basically based on the group’s prehistoric ties and bounded by the ancestors’ values, myths, languages, etc. On the other hand, instrumentalists argue that the primordial approach emphasizes too much on the objective nature of ethnicity, which stresses that ethnicity is ‘given’ and born with once a person comes into this world. To earn the highest score in your term papers and essay you should choose an academic writing service that will meet your best writing needs. (more…)